Getting back to the standard
"Large, powerful, alert, with much substance and heavy bone."
"Males 26 to 28 inches at the withers; bitches 24 to 26 inches."
From the official AKC Standard of the Akita.
The first and foremost goal in our breeding program is the betterment of the breed by breeding healthy, good sound puppies with great temperaments.
We plan way ahead and put a lot of thought and time into every breeding we do here at North Bay Akitas.
I fell in love with CH. Goshen's Chariots Of Fire "Hoss" many years ago. Once I laid eyes on Hoss I was hooked for life. We still breed on the Goshen lines through other lines such as Chereed, Kurio Kao, Regalia and Minda Akitas.
Our standards remain high, in that we only breed our dogs after receiving their health clearances.
All of our dogs are O.F.A. -- X-Rayed clear of hip problems. Eyes CERF -- eyes examined clear of heritiable eye diseases.
Our breedings are planned years in advance through pedigrees and the type, that we want to incorporate into our dogs before we do any breeding.
All of our puppies are sold with written contracts and guarantees. All of the puppies that are sold as companions must be spayed/neutered before we will provide the new owners with the A.K.C. papers.
We are available to answer any questions our new owners may have for us. If we don't have the answer we will find the answer and provide the new owner the answer to their question.